After a daring mission to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt, the Rebels dispatch to Endor to destroy the second Death Star. Meanwhile, Luke struggles to help Darth Vader back from the dark side without falling into the Emperor's trap.
Original Version as seen in theaters in 1983. BluRay, please make sure you player will play a BD-R disc. Older game systems and XBox have a difficult time playing these if they will play at all on them.
Condition: New (NOT SHRINK WRAPPED),
Comes With Case, Label Disc & Case Artwork
Region: 0 (Any Blu-Ray Player Worldwide)
Number of Discs: 1
Picture Quality: A++ in 1080P HD (Digitally Remastered)
Audio: English Only Unless otherwise stated
Disc Type - BD-R
* Our Blu-Rays work in ALL REGIONS
* We are located in the United States, and...
YES, we ship all over the world
* If you have a problem with any disc, simply return it to us for a full replacement
Please make sure your Blu Ray player will play BD-R Discs before ordering, ask questions first. All discs are MOD or Made on Demand.