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Obi Wan Kenobi - Patterson Cut 2.0 - Blu Ray

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Obi Wan Kenobi - The Patterson Cut Movie 2.0. Changes from the original edit are listed below

Subtitles - English

Opening Crawl - After much debate with myself, I started the 4K version with an opening crawl. Writing it was honestly one of the hardest parts of the edit.


New Beginning Scene - a brand new Mustafar scene after the opening crawl so that I could put the flashbacks there and not have to worry about it later when the pace really picks up. 


De-Aged Anakin - The flashbacks now include de-aged Anakin done by Darth Porg on YouTube.


Classic Wipe Transitions - I smoothed out some transitions here and there, adding the famous Star Wars wipes when appropriate.


Reworked Music - I got a lot of complaints that the music was too loud or didn't fit in some places so I did my best to fix that. 


Leia Roasting Her Cousin - I've added back in some of the beginning Leia scenes, the biggest one being Leia and her cousin (I think I reworked it in a way that makes it feel a lot less goofy, which is why I originally took it out.)


Vader Breathing - I fixed the scene where Disney forgot to put Vader's breathing sound effects when he's talking to Reva's hologram for the first time.


End Credits Scene - I decided to put Qui-Gon's appearance after the credits. I know, I know, Star Wars movies don't do that. I didn't want to cut it out but I also felt that Kenobi's "Hello there," to Luke was the perfect ending. So Qui-Gon was booted to the end credits.


Scrolling Credits - Speaking of the credits, I did my best to combine the credits of all 6 episodes so it feels more streamlined and even scrolls like a movie!