Real estate prices in Tokyo have once again begun to skyrocket. Takumi Tsujimoto meets Harrison Yamanaka, the leader of a notorious group of real estate swindlers. Along with informer Takeshita, impostor recruiter Reiko, and legal advisor Goto, Takumi helps carry out real estate fraud as a negotiator. Their next target is the biggest yet: a 10 billion yen real estate scam. While the swindlers engage in a clever back-and-forth with land owners and major developers who are desperate to repurpose land, the police relentlessly pursue them. Meanwhile, both Takumi's past and Harrison's immoral methods are revealed gradually. The con artists take massive risks to make fraudulent deals as the police chase them. Can they pull off their 10 billion yen scheme?
Available Langusges - Japanese, English, French, Thai
Subtitles - EnglishUsually, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai
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